May the 4th Be With You: Don't Miss the Ultimate Star Wars Celebration in Galena Illinois
Keeping America Great by Supporting the American Dream
Small Business Saturday fuels the local economy but somehow seems lost between corporate America's 'Black Friday' specials and the all too famous "Cyber Monday'.
Nestled among the rolling hills and captivating scenery of northwestern Illinois, small towns dot US route 20 as you head towards Dubuque Iowa.
As route 20 brings you into a part of Illinois that seems like another country, compared to the flat often non-scenic views of the Chicago suburbs, small towns of Elizabeth and Galena offer a glimpse of where the American Dream of yesteryear somehow have survived the course of time.
2020 was a year many of us, especially small business owners, would love to forget. The pandemic stifled a lot of local economies and with it caused many, who once had the American Dream of providing their service or unique products to the world , close shop.
For those that prevailed, their faith that things would get better kept them hanging on for when restrictions from the pandemic would be lifted.
As you drive through the winding route 20 through the small town of Elizabeth, you see small businesses on each side of the road - still believing in their dream of providing that unique hometown feel, which we grew up seeing on the Andy Griffith show in Mayberry or perhaps the small shops that occasionally were seen on 'Leave it to Beaver'.
Driving further west as the hills and valleys become larger, an amazing breathtaking view graces your view as you come into the Historic town of Galena Illinois.
This town made famous by Civil War hero and former President of these Great United States, Ulysses S. Grant, allows us to step back into the mid 1800's. A town that provides as much mystery to it as it does history! The store fronts that line each side of main street, are still alive with the American Dream.
Galena has maintained it's historic look and feel, in a manner that no other small town (to my knowledge) in Illinois can hold a candle to!
The unique appearance of store fronts that have maintained their structure and decor from when they were first built often makes the first time visitor to Galena, wonder if they are stepping into a piece of the past or a store of the here and now.
The pandemic took it's toll on some of the unique collectible, craft and small bakery shops along this famous street. However new Entrepreneurs, Dreamers and Families jumped at the opportunity to fill the void left in the pandemics wake.
With the Christmas and holiday season now in full force, there are many opportunities for the average person to help their local economies. Unbeknownst to many are simple actions that can bolster local economies and help the 'Mom & Pop' store on main
street thrive among the giants (i.e. Amazon, Walmart, Target, Best Buy and many more) that have taken over the holiday season.
"Small Business Saturday is an annual holiday meant to call attention to the importance of small businesses in our economy and to encourage support for small companies"...(Your Guide To Small Business Saturday
This Small Business Saturday take the opportunity to discover a new shop in your local community.
Each of us has the ability to fuel our local economy by visiting our very own hometown shops on main street and purchasing a unique 'specialty' item, often not found in your larger retail chain stores.
Play your part in helping your community, or the Elizabeth and Galena Illinois, small business owners, continue to live out their vision of being a part of the American Dream.
These simple, small actions, we each can take, can play a huge part this Small Business Saturday and can 'Fuel our local economy'!
Help keep America Great by supporting those who have created their business on the foundation of what built our country to begin with ... A Dream to make a difference!
It is understandable If your Christmas shopping list includes those items available only at Target, Walmart, or Best Buy. However be sure to have your local store's zip code plugged in for your main store location. In the event your local store does not have it, they will still get credit for the sale, even if the product ships from another location or even state. This simple small trick can help local retail stores stay in your community as well.
Small Business Saturday Fuels The Local Economy - is a way for each and every one of us to be a part and
The difference can be a small hustling and bustling 'Main Street in America' OR a ghost town of empty shops that fell victim to Corporate America's marketing tactics fueled by products created in other countries.
This Small Business Saturday is your chance to give thanks to those who still believe in the American Dream!
As always, my very best to you in your search for success and happiness in business and in life!
~ Rick
CEO Worksmarter4u
Founder of
Human Talk - The ChatGPT Killer
The revolutionary Human Talk and Text Writer AI Prompt Generated Software that makes ChatGPT outdated.
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